Hi and Welcome!

Let's get to know each other

My skills


"Более 3 лет опыта в разработке и преподавании"


You will find here some of my professional (web & print) and personal (digital & matte painting) creations. I like the diversity in my work that's why my skills allow me to realize a web project from your designs to the development and the production of it.
Professional and personal creations
webdesign print development

Skeleton landing page

Endless sky

Travel landing page

Skeleton landing page


Travel landing page


Travel landing page


Skeleton landing

Link to projectLanding skeleton

Development of the landing page for a small entrepreneur
Site created via HTML5, CSS3, GSAP, Animation CSS3

Endless night sky

Link to project Endless night sky

Creative task in pure JavaScript. You can use this script before night sleep to better relaxation with calm and meditative music

Travel landing page

Link to project Travel landing page

Development of the landing page for a small entrepreneur
Site created via HTML5, SASS, GSAP, Animation CSS3

"Contact me"
